الثلاثاء، 8 مارس 2016

Examination assess the mental state of the elderly

There is a difference between a psychiatric examination for the elderly, and the evaluation of the psychological state of the elderly. Valves psychological touch on the tools and techniques used by the doctor in order to diagnose the injury pathological aging (dementia (Dementia), depression (Depression), or psychosis (Psychosis)), then, depending on the scan results, select the appropriate treatment.
The psychological state of the elderly evaluated, who shall specify multidisciplinary crew (from the field of medicine, nursing, social work, movement therapy, psychology).
The essence of this assessment is the psychological examination of the elderly (the examination that was mentioned at the beginning), but is complemented by social and nursing assessment and performance piece. This assessment is not intended to diagnose and treat the patient only (as they are through the psychological examination), but satisfies the desire evaluates the patient and the therapeutic potential of existing case in front of him and in front of his family and to the community as a whole. In addition to finding strengths that could replace weaknesses and offset, as well as finding the appropriate therapeutic spammed make the most of the state, which may allow the elderly to improve his psychological laws. Above all, of course, the revitalization of family and social framework through support for the elderly in accordance with the desire and abilities.

The method of conducting the examination
Evaluation process consists of an interview with someone who can provide the crew with sufficient information about the patient (nearby / processor) and an interview with the patient himself. From the first person, it is possible to obtain information about the nature of problems that exist in the patient, which led him to take the test (to change certain traits in his character, memory disorders, deterioration of public mental status, confusion, depression, sleep disorders and behavioral disorders, paranoia, etc.) and information about the performance of the patient's routine basic (eating, dressing and bathing) and information more complicated (to deal with household and financial belongings, attention to his health, and others), as well as taking medications, diseases suffered by the patient elderly, mental and physical problems) in the family record.

The patient interview, include Asked about his health Wares (depression, anxiety, sleep and memory disorders, general intellectual abilities, features paranoia and disease psychotic Other, and daily functioning) and medications you are taking, and questions from psychological problems, mental or physical, which has suffered in the past or suffered by his family members. Through the interview, is competent to form an impression about the out-patient appearance (if neglected for himself), the degree of cooperation of the patient during the interview (lack of cooperation, suspicion) patient awareness and temperament (depression, fear, exhilaration exaggerated) way of thinking (the content and sequence of ideas), his judgment and his understanding of it, and his performance motor.

Possible to evaluate the performance of the patient's mental (awareness events, concentration, memory, language, discrimination, calculations, and executive functions-abstract thinking, planning, organizing, sequential execution) unofficially from listening to the patient during the interview and watch it, or formally by a Question Questions and patient-based organization is the programmer. Every answer can be given a numeric result, so that it is possible to assess the mental condition of the patient in numbers by the total of the final scores (Score). As the completion of the assessment by physical examination and the results of laboratory tests and soundtracks.

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